![Modern buildings and cafe restaurants Canary Wharf, London City Mortgages](https://www.londoncitymortgages.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/modern-buildings-cafe-restaurants-canary-wharf-london-city-mortgages-1024x597.jpg)
Figures from the Bank of England show UK mortgage lending has hit a new high with over 71,000 loans approved in August.
Figures from the Bank of England show UK mortgage lending has hit a new high with over 71,000 loans approved in August.
Citizen Advice has warned that one million mortgage holders have no plan on how to repay and could face repossession.
UK buy-to-let landlords are at risk to booms and busts that could magnify a housing market crash the Financial Policy Committee warns.
Data from the Office of National Statistics show house prices are rising fastest in the East and South-East of England rather than London.
The latest figures from the CML show mortgage lending of £138.6bn so far this year and £20bn for August.
The government’s Help to Buy scheme has hit record levels in June for the equity loan part with 4,745 completions.