![Older couple enjoying beach London City Mortgages](https://www.londoncitymortgages.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/older-couple-enjoying-beach-london-city-mortgages-1024x597.jpg)
Changes to mortgage affordability rules by the regulator would allow homeowners to switch to cheaper deals.
Changes to mortgage affordability rules by the regulator would allow homeowners to switch to cheaper deals.
Average house prices have increased 2.8% annually and are positive across all regions for the first time in three-and-a-half years.
Falling house prices in the north has increased yields with Rochdale the best town for buy-to-let landlords.
A committee of MPs have called for wide ranging legal reform protecting leaseholders from unfair charges and ground rents.
The cost of borrowing has reduced by half in the last decade with competition encouraging more on the housing ladder.
Home buyers are paying more for their mortgages closing the monthly cost gap with renting, but homeowners are still better off.