People are distracted with the festive period and lower house prices in the pre-Christmas lull offer buyers many property bargains.
People are distracted with the festive period and lower house prices in the pre-Christmas lull offer buyers many property bargains.
Record sales of 1.5 million homes are expected for this year and the strongest house price growth in 2022 will continue in regional markets outside London.
After the end of tapered stamp duty demand for property is historically high with low supply pushing house pieces to new highs.
Energy prices are rising and people pay a ‘green premium’ of £40,000 to live in the most efficient properties rather than less sustainable homes.
Demand for more space is driving house prices higher in the suburbs as the pandemic changes the lifestyles of city homeowners.
Lenders reduce rates as low as 0.84% for home movers and remortgage buyers with the most equity with more competition.
As the initial stamp duty holiday ended in July the demand for property reduced by 9% but remains significantly up on normal market levels.
The number of mortgage deals offering 1% interest or less has increased as lenders compete for new and existing borrowers.
UK savings reached £200bn during lockdown and overpayments could reduce interest costs and clear your mortgage years earlier.
Buyer demand in the first half of 2021 exceeded supply which has resulted in 225,000 fewer homes on the market and higher prices.