![Modern City Hall Shard-skyscraper London City Mortgages](https://www.londoncitymortgages.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/modern-city-hall-shard-skyscraper-london-city-mortgages-1024x597.jpg)
Help to Buy schemes have been extended to March 2021 allowing thousands of homeowners to complete on their new build properties.
Help to Buy schemes have been extended to March 2021 allowing thousands of homeowners to complete on their new build properties.
The Chancellor has extended the three-month mortgage holiday to buy-to-let landlords if tenants cannot pay rent due to Coronavirus.
The government’s Help to Buy scheme is an unmitigated success by helping 170,000 home buyers to realise their dream property.
There has been a fall in house prices for the month while demand for Help to Buy has increased by 21% over the year.
The government should give first time buyers loans for their deposit to buy their homes to create a culture of home ownership.
The government has pledged £10 billion for the Help to Buy scheme to fund 135,000 first time buyers to get on the property ladder.
Prices of new build properties in England increased over 17% in a year with record loans from the government’s Help to Buy scheme.
At the end of December phase two of the Help to Buy scheme is going to be withdrawn by the government after a successful three years.
CBI business leaders have urged the government to tackle the housing crisis to meet their target of a million new homes by 2020.
The government has closed the Help to Buy mortgage guarantee scheme that has helped 86,341 first timer buyers on to the housing market.