![Panoramic view over Barbican apartments, London City Mortgages](https://www.londoncitymortgages.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/panoramic-view-over-barbican-apartments-central-london-city-mortgages-1024x597.jpg)
An MP committee has found that 40% of ex-council homes sold using right to buy are now privately rented properties.
An MP committee has found that 40% of ex-council homes sold using right to buy are now privately rented properties.
From February the new London Help to Buy scheme will offer homebuyers loans up to 40% of the property value to purchase new-build homes.
New research by the Resolution Foundation finds the average first time buyer takes 24 years to save enough deposit to buy their home.
Homebuyers in London are to benefit as the government improves Help to Buy and removes restrictions for Shared Ownership scheme.
People struggling to buy their first home are given a helping hand with the Help to Buy Isa free from tax and up to 4% interest.
Landlords of buy-to-let properties must pay much higher stamp duty land tax following the chancellor’s Autumn Statement.
The government’s Help to Buy scheme has hit record levels in June for the equity loan part with 4,745 completions.
Figures from the Council of Mortgage Lenders show mortgage lending has recovered since the election and reached a seven year high.
Annual house price rise in April is 5.5% down from 9.6% in March, says ONS, while the number of Help to Buy completions have decreased.
A survey sponsored by Shelter shows that half of parents expect their children would require an inheritance from them to buy their first home.