More money is given by the bank of Mum and Dad than ever rising to £6.3 billion to help children buy their first home.
The government has relaxed rules to allow homeowners to add bigger extensions without the need for planning permission approval.
Holiday homes in Sandbanks rise 26% in the last year is the most expensive seaside town as prices rise over a decade.
The number of homeowners are releasing equity from their homes has doubled for many UK regions in the last five years.
Changes to mortgage affordability rules by the regulator would allow homeowners to switch to cheaper deals.
The number of residential mortgages for older homeowners has increased as lenders relax maximum ages to 80 years and over.
Homeowners use equity release to access almost £4 billion of wealth from their homes up for the seventh consecutive year.
Buoyant market for homeowners sees £11m of equity released each day from property and a record £1bn in the third quarter.
Greater product flexibility is driving rapid growth in homeowner demand for equity release with 120% more lending in the last two years.
There are some 3.9 million people across the country plan to release equity from their property to fund their lifestyle when they retire.
Thousands of mortgage prisoners caught paying high interest rates due to affordability rules could be given more help from lenders.
In the first quarter of 2018 housing wealth accessed using equity release has doubled in only two years with nearly £10 million a day.
Equity Release may involve a Lifetime Mortgage or a Home Reversion Scheme. To understand the features and risks, please ask for a personalised illustration. Equity Release may affect your entitlement to means tested state benefits and will impact on the size of your estate. For Equity Release London City Mortgages charge a fixed fee upon completion of £695. For Mortgages a fixed fee is charged on application. Typically this is from £295 up to £495 for the services selected.
Equity Release - Equity Released from your home will be secured against it. Mortgages – Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or other loans secured against it. Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. The information contained in this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore intended for consumers based in the UK.
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0800 955 0058
London City Mortgages Limited is a registered company in England & Wales under company number 09278987. London City Mortgages Limited is an Appointed Representative (FCA no. 655965) of Blackstone Moregate Limited (FCA no. 459051) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. LCM and LCM Equity Release are trading names of London City Mortgages Limited.