English Housing Survey shows home ownership is the lowest level since 1985 with the private rental sector doubling since 2002.
Greater proportion of cash buyers are helping to keep house prices rising as outright home owners now exceed those with mortgages.
Hometrack data shows London with the slowest rate of growth for four years and the fastest house price rise is now from regional cities.
Home buyer borrowing in London reduces 5% or £310 million in the final quarter of 2016 continuing the downward trend for the capital.
House prices in the East of England remain strong up 11% over the year despite a slowdown in property sales across the country.
Significantly lower interest rates has improved mortgage affordability across the country since the financial crisis according to the Halifax.
Crossrail has boosted average house prices by up to 60% for homes in towns near to stations ahead of the 2019 launch date.
Latest data from Moneyfacts shows the amount of cashback offered by lenders to first time buyers with small deposits is lower in the last two years.
For the first time since 2011 the number of home movers has decreased due to the low availability of the ‘right type’ of homes slowing the market.
Home buyers borrowed £11 billion in November up over 5% on the month reflecting a stable market and aspirations for home ownership.
The rise in property values for the East of England are leading the market with new-build homes seeing a 32% price increase in the last year.
The number of first time buyers reaches an all time high last year with more people opting for longer term mortgages of 30-years or more.
After years of falling rates the 10-year fixed rate mortgage costs are beginning to rise according to research from Moneyfacts.
House prices will rise next year but at a slower rate according to the Halifax outlook report UK towns record biggest gains for 2016.
At the end of December phase two of the Help to Buy scheme is going to be withdrawn by the government after a successful three years.
Data from the CML shows the number of loans to homebuyers is 8% lower for October indicating a slowdown in the UK market.
House prices for London fall for the month of October as the UK property market slows although areas outside the South East see growth.
Projections from Hometrack is to expect above average house price growth from regional cities to offset lower price growth in London.
There are striking differences in affordability for first time buyers across the UK as rapid house price rise makes it harder to borrow.
Research from the CML shows the number of London home buyers has increased since the Brexit vote with affordability remaining unchanged.
Equity Release may involve a Lifetime Mortgage or a Home Reversion Scheme. To understand the features and risks, please ask for a personalised illustration. Equity Release may affect your entitlement to means tested state benefits and will impact on the size of your estate. For Equity Release London City Mortgages charge a fixed fee upon completion of £695. For Mortgages a fixed fee is charged on application. Typically this is from £295 up to £495 for the services selected.
Equity Release - Equity Released from your home will be secured against it. Mortgages – Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or other loans secured against it. Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. The information contained in this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore intended for consumers based in the UK.
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